Saturday, March 08, 2008

Raining Cats and Hats

So all we could do was to
And we did not like it.
Not one little bit.


  1. Aye - the weather was a bit grim at times today. But every cloud has a silver lining, and it was a fine day to stay in and watch the rugby!!

  2. I enjoyed some lovely Scottish-type weather this weekend in Pennsylvania. As you may know from my blog, my grand-dad passed....he would have had a chuckle, as the ladies needed to wear muck boots 'neath their dresses to attend the burial after the church service. It definitely added a certain lightness to things. :)

  3. Hi HGF.
    I had been on your blog but I missed the news about your grand-father because I didn't get through the Spanish? paragraph above it. In response to your comment above, I went back and re-read and appreciated your moving tribute to him.

    Age never makes suffering and death seem right.


    ER - I had heard there was a rugby match on, I think Boris was wacthing it, and as he emerged from the room without tears in his eyes (unlike the game vs Ireland) I assumed a more favourable result. I have never been into rugby at all. Actually I can't stand it! It's not just that rugby (and the injuries it causes) are the reason my Dad can't really do much hillwalking anymore; but also because in the south of England where I grew up, kids like me in state schools played football. Rugby had terribly pretentious connotations.
