Friday, January 30, 2009

A Poet Limericist?!

The country is looking for a new Poet Laureate - someone to chart the course of the nation in verse, and to mark great state occasions with sombre lines. I have a suggestion to make in this regard. The archaic and irrelevant post of Poet Laureate should be re-invented as the Poet Limericist, producing entertaining five-liners, to capture the public mood. I have something like this in mind:
Gordon Brown 'saved the world' just in time
But now the Pound's worth only a dime
And as this recession
Slumps down into depression
This saviour looks somewhat 'sub-prime'.
Your alternative suggestions are welcome in the comments!


Anonymous said...

The Windsor's are very P.C.
-not biased, racially.
The proof that they're not
-is the friends that they've got
Top chaps, like "paki" and "sooty."

Jerry J. said...

The pound is much like the dollar.
-It's decline inspires one to hollar.
-But money comes and goes away,
-so let's focus instead on THAT day.
-When our True Treasure, we'll not be able to squander.

Anonymous said...

Lords reform is back on the map
in the wake of another mishap.
Some Peers took a notion
to charge for each motion,
which just isn't cricket, old chap.

But a peer is a peer for life
never mind if corruption is rife
so lift up your swords,
abolish the lords
and embrace the republican life.

I would like to stress that the lifting up of swords is purely metaphorical and is not a call to violence. I just couldn't get 'campaign for a democratically elected upper chamber' to scan. And republican is in the British not the American sense - i.e it's against the monarchy, not Obama. I suspect that limericks requiring footnotes should be disqualified.

Anonymous said...

God save the Queen Mum
It’s a fascist regime
Tum te tum

(This was written some years ago before she passed away).

Lins said...

Not very political, I'm afraid...

There once was a man from Japan
Whose poems never would scan
When asked why this was
He said it's because
"I try to fit as many words into the last line as I possibly can!"

Anonymous said...

I am the Limericist -- I have been for several years -- and I fit your description in a haunting way

That Hideous Man said...

Well Anon- where might I read your offerings?