Thursday, November 29, 2007


I can't think of a caption to do justice to this photo.... can you help?


lynn said...

"Rapture in Perth - extremely hideous looking man last seen heading towards the clouds"

His Girl Friday said...

ha, ha, ha....well, after reading the above comment, I can't say the slightly tarnished comment, that I was going to say...I know, I know, Americans.... ;))

what happened to the ladder, or was it a rappel from the roof, drilling ala acrobatics?! ;)

Lins said...

"Homebase launch transcendental DIY range."

By Deepa and Supriya said...

:) smiling at the first caption and curious to know what the American had to say :)
...and I have nothing to add!

Victor Meldrew said...

To gasps of surprise and after many years of hard work and inevitable failure, That Hideous Man demonstrates his new "Chameleon Potion", soon to be trialled by milnathort and District Hide and Seek Club.

Anonymous said...

Now they'll HAVE to believe me - W. Gowthorpe.